Climate Change, Into The Unknown, Booklet
- Squeezing it all into a concise 16 pages, we provide a general overview of climate change, what we face, and what we can do.
- $5.00
We feel a sense of urgency that we need to be discussing climate change more and more, so we've put together a little booklet. It can be hard to talk about this, and sometimes people are quick to be dismissive, especially if you don't have the information at your fingertips. So we wanted to find a way to convey the information succinctly and hopefully create a way to open up a dialogue a little more easily.
Squeezing it all into a concise 16 pages, we provide a general overview of climate change, a breakdown of a number of issues we face, some notes on building resilience and wellbeing, and have also included the 3 Week Challenge with small things you can do to make a difference. Lastly, there's a small resources section so you can do some further digging of your own.
Here you can purchase a hardcopy of the booklet. We're selling these at $5.00 in order to cover printing costs. Or if you'd prefer you can download the ebook here (pay what you want).
Here's an extract:
Most people don’t really have a clear picture of what climate change is. Perhaps in light of the crazy weather we’ve had you might have wondered "why are there so many extreme weather conditions happening, and why are they being labelled as 'once in 100/200/500/1,000 year events in the news?" (I spent 10 minutes and counted 11 such events here in New Zealand in the past 10 years). New Zealand, although it has had its fair share of cyclones and flooding lately, is still very insulated from effects that other countries are beginning to experience.
Unfortunately, we are missing a dialogue here that properly brings global events to the fore. There is so much happening around the world, so many extreme events, floods, fires, storms etc, and yet our news cycles are still dominated by entertainment, sports, and what are frankly trivial matters. People just aren’t paying attention. We need to know how to link "climate change" to other ongoing disasters, and recognise the pattern that is beginning to take shape. Namely that we have entered unstable times for our environment.
We hope this gets you thinking, and perhaps even talking.