Herbal Tea, Sore Throat and Head Cold Support
- Loose leaf tea containing: Yarrow, Mallow, Balm of Gilead, Blackberry Tips, Peppermint & Elderflowers. Weight: 35g.
- $14.50
This is a tried and true recipe we have used in our family for many years.
At the first hint of a sore throat, or to ease the misery of a full blown cold, brew up a big pot of tea, using about ½ cup herbs in 1L of boiling water. For extra benefits, steep with some sliced lemon and green ginger. Leave it in the pot and draw off a cup as needed. Sweeten with honey to taste.
We recommend steeping one tea bag in 90˚C water for at least 7-10 minutes. Sweeten to taste.
All our ingredients have been grown here at Millstream Gardens. They’re organically grown, spray-free, and have been hand-picked to make these unique tea blends.
If in doubt about possible side effects consult your health practitioner. Not recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women.
Please note that we have limited stock of our tea range due to seasonal changes in our gardens, and that we only ship the teas within New Zealand.